Fruit-Full Baby!

It was a beautiful morning. The sun shining through the glass window and the cool air fluttering  the curtains in the living room.  The fruits on the wooden table started stretching out and yawning, time to welcome this new day. Orange was so excited, that Dear Sofy is back today with her newborn baby. Apple looked at Orange and sneered: Good for you. Actually, do you know anything about newborn babies, huh. Banana raised his eyebrows, and was instantly attracted to the subject. He adjusted his eyeglasses and volunteered: Well, they say that newborn babies are a very critical condition. they are so selfish that they make everybody around them care for them and they are very demanding and exhaust the resources of the country. In addition, my cousin told me that they intentionally produce annoying sounds at night to disturb the sleep of everyone else in the city, this is for sure. The small berry at the corner of the plate jumped in to participate in the conversation. Berry: Mr Orange is so ignorant , he dose not even know that newborn babies dont like us, they only like milk. Apple straitened himself and said proudly and confidently: : Off course Orange dose not know anything. Well, if he did, he would not have been so happy that he has the most vitamin C among us. My beautiful girlfriend Papy (papaya) has much more of that. Orange – who was silent all through- sighed and said smiling: : Well, so it be!!

via Daily Prompt: Conversant

Butterfly Dance

Life is a moment of touching music…
Would every moment of it be a fairy tale.. if you decide to believe so..
would every feeling be the best at its time…
Would you love and treasure yourself enough at every moment…
Would your love grow and last forever…
Would your greatness expand as you accommodate and embrace your pitfalls and weaknesses..
Would you keep believing and seeking after your dreams..
Do you have enough courage to be your true self!!

Grandpa Always in My Heart…

He was so handsome when he was young, so fair and so confident. He gave me so much love and care for years, when Dad was not around. He told me stories before sleep. He prayed for me. And most importantly, he believed in me.

He and grandmother had a very unique love story, which inspires me.

I love to write and tell the stories he told me once.

I missed him before he leaves us, I missed him since he forgot my name and failed to recognize me as anyone else… I missed the special love and attention he used to give me compared to all my other siblings and cousins… however, his presence was still a warmth and a valuable gift.

Dear Grandpa, may God grant you mercy and let you rest in peace and comfort.

I love you
